Christ Church
Westerly, Washington County, Rhode Island


YATES, Betsey, aged 37 years, daughter of Benjamin and Alice, and John Hallom, aged 46 years, son of Thomas and Dorothy, both of Westerly, November 3, 1888.

YORK, Annie and Edward C. Brown, both of Westerly, December 24, 1877.

YORK, Isaac F., aged 20 years, born and of Westerly, son of Halbert T. and M. J. (Larkin) York, and Sarah Raphael, aged 23 years, born London, England, now of Norwich, daughter of Ellis and R. (Isaac) Raphael, January 5, 1893.

YORK, Mary Ann and Henry L. Tracy, both of Stonington, January 29, 1852.

YOUNG, Alexander, aged 37 years, son of James and Jane (Jones) Young, and Mary Jane Purdy, aged 20 years, daughter of John and Jane (Jones) Purdy, both born Ireland, and now of Westerly, February 8, 1894.

YOUNG, Charles G., of New York, and Mary E. (Rathburn) Welch, of Salem, Connecticut, March 7, 1871.

Source: Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, First Series, Births, Marriages and Deaths, A Family Register for the People, By James N. Arnold, Volume XI, Church Records, Providence, RI, Narragansett Historical Publishing Company, 1900

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